September 9, 2009

Baby Burpies I Made

My 1st cousin's DD will be having a baby early in 2010. We are all so excited.

I plan to make the baby a quilt .... actually I have the pattern all picked out. I'm waiting for the word on boy or girl and colors.

I made these baby burpies yesterday ... my 1st sewing all summer. (I keep my GC during the summer so no sewing.) Anyway they turned out nice (I think).


3 layers of well washed/dried flannel. I used the FREE pattern from this website Search on the words baby burpies. Oh you will need to register in order to download the PDF file. It's a simple dog bone style pattern. Now they did some fancy work but I was too lazy to hunt up piping, ric rac and etc.


I made 5 so far .... probably make her an even dozen.


Tudy said...

How cute. I made one for my Great Granddaughter out of a towel and cross stitched on it. I like the shape of yours better.

Kim D. said...

Sandy, Those burp pads are so cute. Looks like a quick and easy project.